
Inga Burlesque Star & Miss Exotic World 2018

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Burlesque Showgirl

Queen of Burlesque

Miss Exotic World



Hi Inga

Lovely to interview you, you are such an inspiration to the burlesque world, and generally to anyone who strives to be successful.

I have to go straight to the fact you are the reigning queen of burlesque from last year’s 2018, Miss Exotic world show in Las Vegas, a delayed congrats from me.

I have seen your gorgeous win at  the 2018 BHOF on Vimeo   https://vimeo.com/310198587 .  Your show was totally outstanding, I love your costume, song choice, choreography and your connection with the audience is perfect.

Tell me how did it feel to be crowned at that moment, please run us thru this magical moment ?


Thank you so much for your lovely compliments! Winning this title was an incredible honor, though I must admit: when my name was called, I was completely shocked and just froze. 

I really wasn’t expecting to win! I was so surprised, I didn’t know what to do. The other performers standing next to me had to tell me to step forward and accept my crown from Queen Medianoche . . . and then she had to tell me to take a bow! Afterward, all I wanted to do was hug my mom and eat bacon …both of which I did 🙂



Inga BHOF queen of burlesque - burlesque showgirl



I think you really deserve this title with all that you have done, with an illustrious career, showcasing your incredible talent in festivals and shows around the world. How did you start in burlesque, what was your inspiration to perform in this glorious world ?
My burlesque journey started way back in 2002, when I saw my very first burlesque show in Seattle. It was a tiny show in a tiny venue, and it changed my life! When I watched those performers strip, and be celebrated for their uniqueness, it felt like I had come home…like I belonged there. I quickly became an avid burlesque fan. 
In 2005, I got a job as a pick-up artist in a weekly show, mostly so that I could have an excuse to meet more performers and see more burlesque. The producer of that show convinced me to put together an act for her and audition it . . . soon, one act became five acts, and before I knew it I had helped start a new troupe, and my hobby became my whole life!
I think what attracted me most to burlesque was the artistic autonomy it offered its performers, and its emphasis on individuality, personality, and sex positivity. Oh, and all the sparkles and boobs and butts.



Inga BHOF queen of burlesque - burlesque showgirl



I also know you have been a teacher at the academyofburlesque.com.

What advise would you give a new showgirl, with her sites on maybe becoming a queen of burlesque some day?

I’ve been an instructor at Miss Indigo Blue’s Academy of Burlesque in Seattle for 10 years. The

Academy is run by its headmistress, Miss Exotic World 2011 Indigo Blue, who is an incredible educator, and community leader, as well as one of my good friends. Teaching at her school has been one of the highlights of my life!

This may sound odd, but my advice to a new performer with their sites on becoming a title holder,

is … don’t set your sites on being a title holder. Titles are great, but they’re not what burlesque is about.  Set your sites on being a good performer, whatever that might mean to you, and work towards that.
Create acts that you love to perform because of the emotions and concepts you get to express by performing them, and the way they make you feel. Do what inspires you! Create acts that you’re proud of…not just because other people praise you for them, but because of the time, energy, and creativity that you know you put into them.
Eventually you may create an act that you decide you want to compete with, and that’s great! Do it, challenge yourself! But winning a title will never truly define your worth as a person or a performer. Only your heart and your work can do that. And if you’ve made acts you’re proud of that you love to perform, you’re already a Queen. 
Inga BHOF queen of burlesque - burlesque showgirl
What are the top 5 things you would say to newbies starting out ?
1. See every burlesque show and take every performance class that you can.
    Never stop learning.
2. Rehearse
3. Make burlesque friends, and support each other’s projects.
4. Every once in a while, ask yourself “What do I really want express on stage?
    What makes me excited when I think about performing it?” And then try to
    incorporate those things into your new and existing acts.
5. Rehearse more
Inga BHOF queen of burlesque - burlesque showgirl


I love the fact you are part of an amazing burlesque troupe,  the Atomic Bombshells www.theatomicbombshells.com the reviews  for the show are dazzling.

The troupe has toured across the America, Europe and Australia, what can you tell us about your involvement with the show and a little about it ?


I joined The Atomic Bombshells in 2011. The troupe was founded and is run by Kitten LaRue (half of the duo Kitten n’ Lou)–if you want advice on how to be a badass boss lady and business person, ask Kitten! Much of the success of the Bombshells is really due to her.

On a personal and artistic level, there are four choices that Kitten has made that have always really stood out to me:


1) All of the Bombshells have very different performance styles and skillsets, but Kitten makes sure to give feedback and make small tweaks to every act, so that there are tiny stylistic similarities throughout. It really helps our shows feel coherant but still very dynamic. 
2) She chooses specific personalities to be part of her troupe. All of the Bombshells are kind, hard-working, dedicated, extremely creative, and team-players. We all want put on the best show we can, and we all work hard to do our individual and collective best. 
3) For 15 years, she has collaborated with troupe member and genius designer J. Von Stratton to create a very specific visual style that has defined the Bombshells’ “look”. (If you don’t already know who J. Von Stratton is, you should look her up right now. Her design work and performance skills will blow. Your. Mind! jvonstratton.com)
4) Kitten and all the Bombshells have changed as people and performers over the course of 15 years, and Kitten has let the troupe change with us. We are definitely raunchier, funnier, more absurd, and more political than we started out. Kitten figured out how to let the Bombshells grow while still keeping the same overall vibe, which I think has kept us relevant! We are The Atomic Bombshells 2.0.
Where can we catch a Bombshells show?
We just finished a run of “Lost In Space”, our vintage sci-fi show a few weeks ago! The next big Bombshells show will be “Cream” in November 2019, at The Triple Door in Seattle. “Cream” is Kitten n’ Lou’sannual fall show featuring the Bombshells, and it’s where we bring our most badass acts–stay posted for dates, because this show is not be missed!
Inga BHOF queen of burlesque - burlesque showgirl



Ok last question, what do you have coming up we need to know about, and what link can you share with us so your fans can follow you.



I’m taking a mini break from performing this summer to recharge from the last year, but you can catch me …

.Teaching Down & Dirty Floorwork at the Academy of Burlesque in Seattle, starting June 18th.
June 28-29th at the Kootenay Burlesque Fest in Nelson, Canada (where legend Judith Stein lives!) 
August 16-18th at the Seattle Tattoo Expo
September 4-7th at the Big D Burlesque Fest in Dallas, Texas
October 3-31st in BenDeLaCreme’s Halloween spectacular “Beware The Terror of Gaylord Manor” at ACT Theate in Seattle
Thanks to Inga for this really great interview, this weekend Inga will hand over the title of Miss Exotic world, in Vegas at BHOF.
If you want to follow Inga’s travels catch her on the links below:
Twitter @whoisinga
Facebook /whoisinga
Website whoisinga.com
Burleque Baby Team xxx
Debora Spencer Photography
Max Shaw

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