Makeup Beauty
5 fabulous questions with Ash Clements – Make up artist Extraordinaire
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5 fabulous questions with Ash Clements
Hello Ash thanks so much to agreeing with the interview. I came across you on Insta and was instantly blown away, your talent is so incredible its breathtaking.
I woud love to know how you go into makeup, and body painting, How did you start this, and did you have to study somewhere first ?
I studied makeup for almost two years! Once in Australia, and then I travelled to New York City to study again, at the infamous Makeup Designory! I originally focused on beauty makeup and editorial, and once I found Instagram as a platform to share my work, I started to dabble in body painting and fell in love!
This Art you create is art, and its not just about physical talent, its your creative eye, how do you create a design? Where does it come from inside, and do you have to be in the mood for this art ?
I think it’s gotten to the point now where I am constantly thinking about my art. I’m always brainstorming. I can’t watch a movie without thinking about how I could recreate a character. I’m always thinking about how I could make a character unique and eye catching. And I also follow an array of amazing fellow artists in Instagram how are always inspiring me.And to a degree, I do have to be in the mood to create. Brainstorming is always happening, but to actually sit down and create something in front of a camera, takes a certain energy and vibe. No creating when I’m in a bad mood!
I imagine there is a call for you and your talent, do you have any cool stories, or have you travelled for your art and if so where ?
I’m very lucky! I am able to travel a fair bit for my work. I travel within Australia fairly often. I’m always in airports.I’ve also been lucky enough to go to LA with NYX Cosmetics earlier this year to represent Australia. That was an incredible experience, and one I will never forget.My favorite place in the world is still New York City though. Like I said, I studied there for a while and lived in Manhattan for a few months. It’s still my favorite city I’ve ever been to.
What are your inspirations going forward, as I imagine you have had great ops, that you never dreamed, whats you next inspiration and what can we see from you next ?
At the moment, the plan is to keep creating!, I try not to look too far forward into the future, because I never know where my art will take me. I’d love to grow my YouTube channel more and keep teaching through that!Eventually, I think I would like to teach classes at a makeup school. But that’s a bit far off yet, I think! I’m having too much fun doing what I do now.
If people want to follow your stories how fans find you – ( social media )
My YouTube channel is Ash Clements – lots of tutorials on body painting and fun looks! And for photos of my work, you can find me on Instagram at@pastelpegasus.
Thank so much for this Rock N Roll interview xxx
Follow Ash here 🙂
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- Ash Clements
- Ash Clements
- Ash Clements
- Ash Clements
- Ash Clements
- Ash Clements
- Ash Clements