
Bernie Dexter Queen of the Modern Pin ups

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Bernie Dexter

Bernie Dexter Queen Modern Pin ups


Bernie Dexter



Hi Bernie

Thanks so much for the interview

I have been a fan of you for years.

In my eyes, you are the Queen of the modern pinups

awww thank you so much. 


bernie dexter

I remember from way back, you were always the face of so many brands, and fans would flock to that brand, when you were the face of it, as they still do now.

     I enjoyed doing all that so much.


 How did you get into Modelling ?         

  I had been dabbling in modelling since i was about 12, but my career took

while I was working on photoshoots,

doing hair, make up and wardrobe on 

Bernie Dexter

Do you have any amazing stories / opportunities that came from modelling that you could never have told, if you didn’t choose this path ?

          Oh so many. I have met some amazing & interesting people. Some so lovely,

          and some not so nice, but i would not change anything.
          I have enjoyed every moment, and feel so lucky to have had all the
Bernie dexter


You and your husband Levi, travel a lot,  I hear you have recently moved to the UK, I think the British must be very happy you have moved there 🙂

What brought you to the UK ?.

Yes we have been traveling a lot over the past 10 years. We recently relocated to England. We LOVE it here, we love the lifestyle and we have family and so many amazing friends here as well.

We have never been happier. I hope to open a Bernie dexter shop here in the near future. We have kept our American shop open as well.

it is an amazing shop so we could not dream of closing.

So many people come from all over to shop =)


Bernie Dexter



Who are your style icons and inspirations ?

          I love so many looks, my favorites are very youthful styles.

          I love the elegance of
          vintage Dior as well, the nipped in waist lines are truly my biggest inspiration.
          I do  everything in cotton for an easy wear and care. I love 1950’s ponytail
          girl, and teen age look, ponytail, rolled jeans .. just so cute & comfy.


Bernie Dexter


 I think you are an inspiration for so many x
        aww thank you,  I hope so, I really love knowing people enjoy my designs =D.

I love your Clothing Brand, and I have one of your dresses,

it literally looks like a work of Art.

Oh thank you so much. 


Bernie Dexter shop


Your designs are outstanding.

How did you become a designer,

that can’t be easy, and how do you come up with such magic ?.

All my pieces are a reflection of my personal style.

          When modeling I would always say… “ i wish this was… or if only it was…..”
          I decided to show my own personal style and 
I love wearing cotton, it breaths and it is easy to take care of….
          There are so many lovely brands out there, and I think there is room
          for everyone.

          Some of my personal faves are Trashy Diva, Unique Vintage, Collective.


Bernie dexter


I also see you as a princess of the Rockabilly gals,  just royalty all round really.

You are  a big sensation in this scene,

what do you love about Rockabilly the most?.

Wow you are so sweeeeet! , I LOVE Rockabilly music,

           it is truly the fountain of youth.
I can’t stand still when i hear it!,
           I enjoy going to the shows, and dancing all night long.

           If there is a record hop, I am always seen bopping, jiving and strolling all night. 



Bernie Dexter



    Where can your clothing line be purchased ?


   Bernie Dexter Shop

      I have free international shipping =)

  you can also find my clothes in many boutiques .

          Any new plans that we need to have a look out for ?

I have lots of new prints coming =D

and  Im currently working on new styles all the time

           and keeping the  classics of course.

Bernie Dexter

Thanks Bernie

So great to interview you xxx  Hooray

          Thank you so, I appreciate it.

bernie dexter site
check out our Lou Lou D’vil Interview Lou Lou


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